FRACTURE: A Math Haunted House – A Riveting Success in Central Seattle!

The FRACTURE: A Math Haunted House – A Riveting Success in Central Seattle!

Last week's FRACTURE event, a unique blend of haunted trail, live theatre, and escape room with a mathematical twist, captivated over 180 attendees in Central Seattle. Sponsored by MathHappens Foundation and supported by Seattle Universal Math Museum (SUMM), this Matheatre creation offered a spine-tingling journey through a world where the ancient Cult of Pythagoras disrupted the very fabric of mathematics. The overwhelming enthusiasm and positive feedback from participants have set the stage for making FRACTURE an exciting annual tradition.

We are thrilled by the event's success and the community's engagement. The fusion of education and entertainment not only thrilled our guests but also sparked a fresh interest in math and science. As we look forward to making FRACTURE a yearly occurrence, we extend our heartfelt thanks to all who joined and supported this groundbreaking experience.

Stay tuned for updates on next year's event!


We're in the News: Geekwire Spotlights Our Journey in Making Math Accessible to All!


Our Founder, Tracy Drinkwater, Shines with Science Sandbox