
Andrea Weatherhead

Museum Project Planning Consultant


Andrea is the founder of WEATHERHEAD Experience Design.

Andrea directs exhibit design, educational content development, interactive development, and media production for her firm. She also provides individual planning, consultation and creative direction for numerous museums throughout the country. She is deeply committed to understanding the goals of her clients’ institutions while putting the visitors first in all design decisions. She dives deeply into the educational content and conceives of the most effective use of every means at her disposal to bring topics and stories to life. Her process involves rigorous attention to detail and a very real sense of fun.

Her visionary educational, interactive, and immersive exhibit environments have earned her numerous awards, including eight MUSE Awards from the American Alliance of Museums. Andrea was featured as the “woman to watch out for in technology in the 21st century” by Seattle Magazine, and cited as “one of Seattle’s 36 most influential people” by Seattle Met Magazine